Writer Guidelines


Congratulations on becoming a writer for GearPop Blog! In an effort to keep things organized and consistent, please have the following guidelines in mind when publishing content. If you ever have any questions, never hesitate to contact me.

What type of content is allowed?

If your post is related to technology in any way, then it’s perfect. This goes for news, reviews, how-tos… anything! Just be sure that your content is 100% original and cannot be found on any other websites — including your own.

Here is how to embed YouTube videos.

WordPress makes embedding YouTube videos very easy. Simply paste the URL of any YouTube video into your post and it will automatically be converted into an embedded video. There is one catch, however. The URL you are pasting cannot be hyperlinked. It must appear as regular text.

Pay close attention to grammar and composition.

Seriously, this is crucial. Not only is using proper grammar and composition important, but it also makes us look good. GearPop cannot afford to publish content that contains errors that could’ve been fixed with a simple proofread. If you need assistance in learning something specific, then please Google it.

Always include a featured image.

The front page of GearPop heavily relies on featured images, so be sure to include one in your post when publishing. This can be done by clicking “Set featured image” at the bottom of the page when publishing a new post. And of course, this goes without saying, but the featured image must relate to your post.

Select the appropriate categories.

When publishing articles, you are required to select categories that relate to your content. Keep in mind that you are not limited to just one category. Select all that apply.

Tag your posts.

Don’t forget to tag your posts! This is not only important for organizational reasons, but it’s also because search engines like Google rely on tags for content to be properly discovered. The more tags you include, the better.

Any questions?

Writing for a blog can seem like a lot of work, which is why it’s important to always keep the above guidelines in mind. If you ever have any questions, you know how to reach me.